14 Haziran 2017 Çarşamba

Sheryl Sandberg ile B Plani- Option B-

Haydi, sizinle bir oyun oynayalim. Kendinizi bir sureligine Sheryl Sandberg'in yerine koymanizi istiyorum:)

45 yasinda super basarili bir teknoloji profesyonelisiniz. Facebook operasyonlari sizden soruluyor. Facebook Yonetim Kurulu'na giren ilk kadinsiniz. Dunyada Facebook denince, malum kisi disinda adi hatirlanan tek kisisiniz. Harvard'da aldiginiz egitim ve kadin girisimciligine yonelik baslattiginiz aktiviteler, meyvelerini, New York Times Cok Satanlar Listesine girmis Lean In kitabiniz ile vermis. Yetmemis, Lean In sosyal sorumluluk projesi ile, dunyadaki binlerce kadina iclerindeki gucu nasil ortaya cikaracaklarini tecrubeleriniz ve uzmanlar ile paylasiyorsunuz. Amerika'nin ve Dunyanin En Etkili Is Kadinlarindan Birisiniz. Is hayatinizdaki olaganustu basarilarinizin yaninda, saglikli ve mutlu 2 cocugunuz ve sizi deli gibi seven, her yaptiginiz iste ve attiginiz her adimda arkanizda tam destegini hissettiginiz ve hala cilginlar gibi asik oldugunuz bir esiniz var. Hayata karsi dimdik duruyorsunuz, kontrol sizin ellerinizde. Hayalleriniz, 45 yasinda gercek olmus sanki. Tanri'nin cok sevdigi bir kulusunuz adeta. Insan daha ne ister, degil mi?

Insan bu, ister de ister! Amaaaa....

Yasam, bazen bir B plani olmadan ilerleyemiyor. Maalesef, Sheryl Sandberg icin de boyle oluyor ve 2 yil once. esini, hic beklemedigi bir anda, apar topar ve caresizce kaybediyor. Sadece esini degil, yasaminin kontrolunu de kaybediyor. Dave Goldberg, egzersiz yaptigi fitness aletinde dengesini kaybedip dusuyor ve kafasini carparak bayiliyor. Aslinda dusmesinin nedeni, kalp ritm bozuklugu yasamasi. Sevgi dolu bir yasam arkadasligi yapmis bu ikili icin, belki de en acisi, Sheryl'in esiyle birlikte ambulansa dahi alinmasina izin verilmemesi. Hatta hayatinin son saniyelerinde, cok sevdigi ruh esine bir hoscakal bile diyememesi...Hastaneye giderken, durduklari her saniye, trafikte olan her gecikmenin belki etkisi vardir diye dusunmeden edemiyor tabi, genc kadin. Ve, diyor ki, bir ambulans gordugunuzde veya sesini duydugunuzda, lutfen bir degil, bin kere dusunun ve oncelik taniyin. Turkiye'de, ozellikle Istanbul'da durumun ne kadar acikli oldugunu, calan aci siren seslerinin uzunca bir sure duyulmasindan anlayabiliyoruz, ne yazik ki...

Simdi soruyorum size: Hikayenin sonuna ragmen Sheryl Sandberg'in yerinde olmak ister miydiniz?    

Dunyanin neresinde olursaniz olun, teknoloji ve internet sektorunde calisin calismayin, pek cok kadin icin bir idol Sheryl Sandberg. Lean In kitabinin ilk baskisini alip, 2 gunde sular seller gibi okudugum zamani hatirliyorum. Aslinda, Almanya'da yaptigim 'Kadin Kadina' calismalarinin sanal mentorlerinden biridir kendisi. Bu yazimla, kendisine sukranlarimi sunuyorum...

2 yil once esini kaybettigini okudugumda, oglum henuz 2 aylikti. Derinden sarsilmistim gercekten. Hormonlarim tavan yapmis ve bebegimi emzirirken gozlerimdeki yaslara engel olamadan onun icin sabir dileyip dua etmekten baska bir secenek bulamamistim kendi icimde. Sonra da, sukretmistim elimdekilerin yuceligine. Esime gidip sarilmistim ve Sheryl'in hikayesini paylastigimda gozyaslarim ip gibi akmaya devam etmisti... Ben, hayatimda hic tanismadigim ama yurekten bagli oldugumu hissettigim bu kadin icin, bu kadar uzulduysem, kimbilir kendisi nasil bir travmanin esigindeydi ve ne acilar icindeydi! Peki, cocuklari ne durumdaydi?

Insanlarin mutluluk anlayislari ve mutluluk hissi herkese gore farkliliklar gosterebilir. Ama, bildigim bir sey var ki, insan, kac yasinda ve hangi sartlarda yasiyor olursa olsun, sevdiklerini aniden kaybettiginde, cektigi acida birlesiyor. Marifet, acinin icinden az hasarla gecmeyi basarabilmekte... Ve hatta, yasanilanlara sapka cikarip, yola yeni bir anlamla devam edebilmekte..Hislerimde yalniz olmadigimi, Sheryl Sandberg'in, esi Dave Goldberg- Survey Monkey CEO)-in olumunden 1 ay sonra Facebook'ta paylastigi bir post ile daha iyi anladim. 30 gun icinde, 30 yil yasamis kadar bir bilgelige sahip oldugunu aciklamisti, Sheryl. Paylastigi posta, 900.000 like ve  74.000 yorum geldi ve bu guclu kadin icin taslarin oynamaya basladigi yasaminin yeni doneminin temelleri o zaman atildi. Hayatindaki kayip, ona yeni bir anlam hediye etmeye basliyordu.

Yazmak, icindekileri kusmak, soyleyemediklerini kaleminle dile getirmek, konu ne olursa olsun farketmez, buyuk bir sifa kaynagi. Iste, bu guzel kadin da aynisini yapti. Alyansini parmagindan cikarip kolyesine takti, yazdi, yazdi, yazdi...Ve, yasadiklarini buyuk bir ictenlikle hem kitabinda, hem de kitabi ve Option B projesini anlattigi videolar araciligi ile samimi ve icten bir sekilde paylasti.

Option B, bir kitabin disinda, sosyal bir projeye donustu. Icinde, beklemedikleri bir zamanda yasamin surpriz bir oyunuyla karsilasan ve yasadiklari korkunc travmalar sonrasi Option B'yi hayata koyup uygulamayi basaran kisilerin hikayeleri ile dolu. Kitabin websitesine baktiginizda, organizasyonun fikir liderlerinin ne kadar etkili kisiler oldugunu gorebilirsiniz. Kitabin geliri, Option B Sosyal Sorumluluk Organizasyonu'na gidiyor.

Sheryl Sandberg yepyeni bir yuzunu kesfetti son 2 sene icinde. Hayatinda artik esi olmadigini kabul edip, yani A Planini tamamen iptal edip, yeni bir B Plani'na yelken acti. Iste, Option B kitabinda, hayata karsi nasil tekrar dik durabildigini, esnekligini, gulebilmeyi, neseyi ve cocuklariyla birlikte surecte neler ogrendigini anlatiyor. Yine Cok Satanlar Listesinden Psikolog Adam Grant-Sheryl'in yakin bir arkadasi ve 'Resilince' uzerine uzman- ile ortak yazdiklari Option B, bu yilin Nisan ayinda ilk baskisini yapti. Benim de, yaz donemi icin hazirladigim, Okumayi Cok Istedigim Kitaplar Listem'de ilk sirayi aldi.

Avustralya'li meditasyon ogretmenimin cok sevdigim bilge bir mottosu vardir: ' Ne olacagini bilmiyorum, her an her sey olabilir. Huzurlu, saglikli ve guvendeyim.' Bu bakis acisi, yasanilan olaylara karsi daha esnek, sabirli ve kabul icinde olabilmeyi sagladi benim icin. Mutlulukta ve kederde sukretmeyi bilmeyi de. 

Hayatinizda ani bir travma yasamis olabilirsiniz veya bir yakininiz yasiyor olabilir: Bir kaza sonucu yuruyemez duruma gelmek, cinsel taciz, ciddi bir hastalik, bir yakininizin vefati sonucu yasadiginiz ve atlatamadiginiz keder, bosanma, siddet gorme vb. gibi. Tum bu konularla ilgili aktif basliklar ve yetkili agizlardan cozum onerileri, hatta sizinle benzer acilari yasamis kisileri bulabileceginiz bir sistem ve network yaratmis Option B.

Bu noktada RESILIENCE kavramindan bahsetmekte yarar var. Resilience son zamanlarda psikoloji, wellness, cevre, politika ve spirituel dunya gibi farkli alanlarda duydugumuz populer bir kavram. Turkce sozluk anlami olarak, esneklik, elastikiyet, firlama, ziplama, ilk haline gelme, cabuk iyilesme, duzelme, toparlanma olarak geciyor. Psikolojik kullanimi icin, kendini iyilestirme ve kendini yenileyebilme olarak cevirebiliriz. Kitap, ozetle, yasadiklarimiz ne olursa olsun, yasamda yasamda kendimizi nasil iyi edip yenileyebilecegimize ve bunu ogrendikten sonra nasil vucudumuzdaki bir kas gibi gelistirecegimize - Resilience Muscle- iliskin pratik ve denenmis bilgilerle dolu. Benim uzun zamandir yaptigim bir calismayi ogutluyor Sandberg: Her gun keyif aldiginiz ve sukrettiginiz 3 seyi yazin defterinize. Okuyun ve hatirlayin. Ictiginiz guzel bir kahve, cocugunuzun size verdigi bir opucuk, okudugunuz guzel bir yazi, kucuk ama degerli seyler...Dunyanin en etkili ve guclu kadinlarindan birinin, esinin ani olumuyle kendini iyilestirme ve yenileme asamasinda ogrendigi en onemli sey, ilginctir ki, sukretmeyi ogrenmesi olmus. Yani, hic bir sey icin gec degil, su hayatta. 

Sheryl, olaydan sonra, ise ilk gittiginde veya cocuklarinin okuldaki ilk aktivitesinde insanlarin bakislarina, soylediklerine veya soyleyemediklerine takilmis. Buna, Odadaki Fil- Elephant in the Room- deniyor. Yani, bilinen kesin bir sorun var ama kimse soze nereden baslayacagini bilemiyor ve konusmak istemiyor. Bu sessizlik, onu cok rahatsiz etmis. Aslinda, ani travmatik olaylar yasayan kisilere ne soyleyecegimizi, nasil davranacagimizi tam olarak bilmiyoruz. Ancak, Option B sayesinde ogrenebiliriz. Ornegin, 'Nasilsin?' yerine 'Bugun Nasilsin?' demek bile, hem soruyu, hem de durumu normalize etmeyi saglayabiliyor. Bu durumlarda, hem kalbinin sesi, hem de sagduyu ile hareket eden kisiler, hayatimizda pirlanta gibi kiymetli ve degerli oluyor, bence! Mark Zuckerberg de, Sheryl Sandberg icin aynisini yapmis. Haberi alir almaz, Sheryl'in evine giderek cocuklari ile playstation oynamis:)

Amerika'da, eslerden birinin kaybi, ailenin geri kalaninin, yasadiklari evin kredisini odeyemedikleri icin tasinmalari ile yeni bir travmaya neden olabiliyor. Sheryl'in cocuklari, cenaze sonrasi gelip annelerine, 'Acaba evimizi kaybedecek miyiz?' diye sormuslar. Facebook'un tepe yoneticisi bir kadina sorulabilecek belki en sacma ama durumun vehametini anlatan onemli bir soru aslinda. Option B'nin bir sosyal sorumluluk projesine donusmesinde bu sorunun da ayri bir yeri olduguna suphe yok.

Bu arada, sektorde ve Facebook'ta bir ilk gerceklestirerek, 1. derece akrabalarin vefati sonrasi 20 gun izin hakki ve Buyukanne- buyukbaba vefatinda ise 10 gun izin hakki kullanilmasini saglamis. Tebrik ediyorum! 

Umarim ki, Option B, bir cok kederli kisinin ve yakinlarinin yaralarini sarmasina, birbirlerini anlamalarina ve destek olmalarina yardimci olacak bir Sifa ( Healing ) Network olur. Sheryl Sandberg, esini kaybettiginde hissettigi duygulari nefessiz kalmak olarak tarif ediyor. Bir nefes terapisti olarak diyebilirim ki, nefes terapisi, kederin ve acinin asilmasinda bir cok terapi yontemine gore etkisi kanitlanmis ve kendi kendinizi iyilestirme yolunda uygulayabileceginiz guclu bir yontem. Kendi kendinize nefes seansi yapmayi ogrendikten sonra, dunyanin neresinde, ne sartlarda olursa olsun, dustugunuzde daha az siyrikla yerden kalkmanizi, yenilenmenizi ve kendinizi iyilestirmenizi saglayacak muhtesem bir alet kutunuz oluyor yaninizda. Ve, icinde de nefesiniz. Benim de yasamima anlam katan degerlerden biri, toplumsal nefes farkindaligini arttirmak ve coluk, cocuk, genc, yasli, herkesle paylasabilmek. Cok yakinda, guzel surprizlerimi sizlerle paylasmak icin can atiyorum:) 

Umarim, kisa zaman icinde, Option B Projesi, Butunsel Saglik, Digital Health, Health 2.0, Spiritual Technology ve Self-Healing seceneklerinin de yer aldigi, tum insanlik adina cok daha kapsamli, yararli ve en az Facebook kadar degerli bir yapiya donusur.

Son olarak, Sheryl Sandberg'in konuk oldugu Oprah Winfrey's SuperSoulSundays programini izleyebilirsiniz. Linke tik tik..

Nefes Terapisti, Meditasyon Egitmeni, Mindfulness Kocu


13 Haziran 2017 Salı

Juicero: A Big Epic Failure in Wellness Industry & Internet of Things

Juicero is a Smart Juice Technology! 
It is smart because the juicing machine connects to Wi-Fi. It seems pretty weird at the beginning to you, which was to me:) And not just to me, to some of the Bloomberg reporters which tasted Juicero and found a big doubt behind it. Just click the video below and watch it first. 

Juicero’ May Be The First Hilariously Epic Failure On ‘The Internet Of Things’

Juicero is a juicer that squeezes juice from bags of pre-packaged produce sold by the same heavily bankrolled Silicon Valley startup who makes the $400 WiFi enabled squeezer.
Doug Evans, the company’s founder, would compare himself with Steve Jobs in his pursuit of juicing perfection. 
He declared that his juice press wields four tons of force—“enough to lift two Teslas,” he said. Google’s venture capital arm and other backers poured about $120 million into the startup. Juicero sells the machine for $400, plus the cost of individual juice packs delivered weekly. Tech blogs have dubbed it a “Keurig for juice.”

 A person close to the company said Juicero is aware the packs can be squeezed by hand but that most people would prefer to use the machine because the process is more consistent and less messy. The device also reads a QR code printed on the back of each produce pack and checks the source against an online database to ensure the contents haven’t expired or been recalled, the person said.

Maybe, starting point was good to try. But what next, now?  

And I say: Hahahaaaa:) Because it is really funny! 

Sources: http://www.redstate.com/jimjamitis/2017/04/19/juicero-may-first-hilariously-epic-failure-internet-things/



Best anxiety apps for iPhone | Best stress-busting iPhone apps

Depression is rapidly becoming one of the world's biggest health crises, and it's putting massive strain on our healthcare systems. But a new wave of apps could offer a solution by helping people with stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. We explore the best iPhone apps for beating stress.

What are the best iPhone apps for dealing with stress, depression and anxiety?
Mental health, unfortunately, is one of the biggest challenges faced by humanity. According to the World Health Organisation, a staggering 615 million people currently suffer from at least one mental or neurological condition. And depression and anxiety are, by far, the most common conditions.
Depression is rapidly becoming one of the world's biggest health crises, and it's putting massive strain on our healthcare systems. Often, institutions just don't have the time and resources to be able to cope with this level of demand.
While treatment and support services do exist within institutions such as the NHS, there are still some people who won't attempt to get the support they should be getting. In fact, Counselling Directory says only 230 of every 300 people diagnosed with a mental health condition will seek support from their GP.
Could there be another solution here? Almost certainly, and it comes in the form of mobile technology. There are now a new wave of apps and software capable of helping people with depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. In this article we explore the best stress- and anxiety-busting apps for iOS devices.

Best iPhone apps for beating stress & anxiety: Recolor

When you're feeling stressed, there's nothing better than grabbing some paper and pencils to doodle. Although you may never become the next Da Vinci, it's a soothing process and can help ease your mind. Recolor, which doesn't cost a penny to download, brings this experience to the iPhone.
It's a colouring book app and sports images such as mandalas and animals. What's cool is that it's been designed based on complexity, so you can start off easy and build your way up. Another great thing here is that all the colours are fresh and not overpowering, meaning you have a way to relax after a hectic day.
  ANIL's NOTE: I tried it and found not useful. No mindfulness at all to me! Use a mandala book and real color paintings.

Best iPhone apps for beating stress & anxiety: Buddhify

Meditation is one of the best ways to ease stress and anxiety, and with Buddhify, you can become a pro at it. The app has been designed to teach you mindfulness-filled meditation routines on the go and to help you increase your wellbeing, both physical and mental.
You get 11 hours of custom meditation routines to choose from, all covering 15 parts of a typical day. They've been tailored to work in scenarios such as travelling, being online, going to sleep and taking a work break.
There are more than 80 tracks to choose from, lasting from 5 to 30 minutes. Other features include a timer, a check-in system to see how you're getting on and progress reports. It costs £3.99 to buy outright, and you don't have to pay a monthly fee.

ANIL's NOTE: If you wanna be mindful, use Spire or Headspace. More original and useful content and perfect guidance. In Headspace, even has a kids section which I strongly recommend to the parents and I personally use those meditations in    my workshops. Kids love it:) 

Best iPhone apps for beating stress & anxiety: Sleep Genius

Not getting enough sleep every night can also cause stress and anxiety. The fact is, if you wake up in the morning with low energy levels, it's likely that you'll struggle to get through the day. Luckily, there are plenty of apps out there to help you get shut-eye.
Sleep Genius is one of the most popular sleep apps you can get on the iPhone. Costing £3.99, the app offers a scientifically proven sound program to ensure you get plenty of sleep. It uses a variety of algorithms to help you sleep faster, longer and deeper.
These sounds play before you go to bed and in all the important stages of the sleep cycle, and you're then woken up by a refreshing alarm. The latter lasts for five minutes in the morning and aims to ensure you're fresh for the day ahead.

Best iPhone apps for beating stress & anxiety: Sleep Genius

Not getting enough sleep every night can also cause stress and anxiety. The fact is, if you wake up in the morning with low energy levels, it's likely that you'll struggle to get through the day. Luckily, there are plenty of apps out there to help you get shut-eye.
Sleep Genius is one of the most popular sleep apps you can get on the iPhone. Costing £3.99, the app offers a scientifically proven sound program to ensure you get plenty of sleep. It uses a variety of algorithms to help you sleep faster, longer and deeper.
These sounds play before you go to bed and in all the important stages of the sleep cycle, and you're then woken up by a refreshing alarm. The latter lasts for five minutes in the morning and aims to ensure you're fresh for the day ahead.
ANIL's NOTE: With my recommendation, one of my clients who has a sleeping disorder using this app and it works pretty well on her, together her breathing exercises specifically driven for her. 

Best iPhone apps for beating stress & anxiety: Stress Check

Depression is clearly a growing problem, and there are common symptoms, but it's not always easy to tell just how badly it affects you on a daily basis. Some interesting apps offer to assess your challenges as well as help you overcome them.
Stress Check is an excellent example. Free to download on iOS and developed by a team of clinical psychologists, it provides you with questions about your symptoms and a score that describes your current level of stress.
Once you've been given a score, you can then try and change things in your life. To help with this, there's a set of descriptions and recommendations on the type of things you can do to get your score lower. For a premium, you can get access to expert yoga videos and exercises.

Best iPhone apps for beating stress & anxiety: Stress Check

Depression is clearly a growing problem, and there are common symptoms, but it's not always easy to tell just how badly it affects you on a daily basis. Some interesting apps offer to assess your challenges as well as help you overcome them.
Stress Check is an excellent example. Free to download on iOS and developed by a team of clinical psychologists, it provides you with questions about your symptoms and a score that describes your current level of stress.
Once you've been given a score, you can then try and change things in your life. To help with this, there's a set of descriptions and recommendations on the type of things you can do to get your score lower. For a premium, you can get access to expert yoga videos and exercises.
ANIL's NOTE: I strongly recommend Stress Check 2 and StressScan (free) available in both IOS and Android. They are using heart rate tracker technology using your finger and skin. Great fun and you can track your stress level with Stress Check 2. 

Best iPhone apps for beating stress & anxiety: Trello

Life is full of challenges. Not only do you have to deal with countless pressures at work, but you may also have a ton of things to do at home - be it paying the bills, doing the chores or looking after children. Keeping on top of things really does pay off.
To-do lists can help, but you don't want to carry them around with you. Instead, it's worth downloading a project management app such as Trello. It may sound a bit businessy, but there are actually some handy tools to help you in everyday life. For instance, you can create task lists and track them, and you can add others too.

ANIL's NOTE: Great tool for business- I used a lot for my professional life- however nothing to do for the stress and anxiety! Sorry:( 

Best iPhone apps for beating stress & anxiety: Acupressure: Heal Yourself

If you were to talk to your GP about treating depression and anxiety, they may suggest Acupressure as a possible remedy. This process aims to use your body's pressure points to ease tension and stress. Now you can do this on your iPhone.
Acupressure: Heal Yourself, an app that costs £1.49, lets you locate your pressure and self-massage points so you can do acupressure from the comfort of your own home. The app uses detailed illustrations of more than 90 point combinations, and it guides you throughout the process.
ANIL's NOTE: As a breathing therapist, I can tell you that there are different methods of self healing. Meditation and breathing techniques are the best tools you can use anytime u need with your life convenience. So, forget about this app-Acupressure: Heal Yourself, complicated and useless.  Click to read my blogpost about breathing apps for a detailed info.

Source: http://www.macworld.co.uk/feature/iosapps/best-anxiety-apps-for-iphone-best-stress-busting-iphone-apps-3652140/

Most Popular Breathing Apps and Spire

Deep breathing exercises are often cited as an easy way to reduce stress and keep you focused. Although breathing may seem like the simplest thing in the world, chances are you’re actually doing it wrong.
As you grew into adulthood, you likely picked up the bad habit of breathing using your chest and shoulders rather than your diaphragm. The reasons for this change aren’t entirely certain, although the Harvard Medical School suggests that body image is partially to blame. Breathing with your diaphragm expands your stomach, so proper breathing may be discouraged by the fact that flat stomachs are considered more attractive in our culture.

Regardless of how it happens, most of us end up breathing poorly, which reduces concentration and decreases productivity. However, this problem can be fixed by simply taking a little time out of your day to relax and take a few deep breaths. Practicing deep breathing exercises has been proven to reduce your heart rate and blood pressure, while making you feel more alert and invigorated. This can greatly increase your productivity by staving off burnout and improving your ability to stay focused on the task at hand.
Proper deep breathing can be difficult to learn on your own. Fortunately, there’s a way to carry your own personal breathing guide with you wherever you go. These six deep-breathing apps guide you through breathing exercises to help keep you alert, focused and productive. 
ANIL's Note: I tried all and personally I strongly advice you to try 1 and 6. However, Spire is the best- which is not in the list- a breathing and mindfulness tracker, great technology and fun to use


Available on both iOS and Android, this app was developed by the National Institute for Telehealth and Technology, an organization within the U.S. Department of Defense. In addition to guiding you through scientifically sound breathing exercises, Breathe2Relax includes a graphing function that can help you determine what’s causing you the most stress.


One of the more fully featured breathing apps available, Universal Breathing uses music and animation to help guide you through several levels of deep breathing exercises, starting from a beginner level and slowly ramping up the difficulty. The app is available on both iOS and Android.


This one is only for Android, but includes some unique features that set it apart from the rest. In addition to visual and audio cues, Paced Breathing can also use vibration to help guide you through the exercises. It includes a few sound choices, and you’ll want to use your headphones for the binaural beat option.


Available on iOS and Android, this app focuses on using music cues as a way to control your breathing. By using distinct tones for each phase of the exercise, it can keep you on track while remaining unobtrusive. If you follow the structured course sessions, they should help you steadily slow your breathing rate.


Prana Breath doesn’t have some of the bells and whistles of the other apps, but it does offer a wide variety of customization options. You can choose from seven different breathing exercises or even create your own. You can also set a schedule with different types of exercises and have the app automatically remind you when the time comes. Prana Breath includes a detailed help guide for those new to deep breathing exercises, and keeps detailed information about your usage to help track your progress. Download it from the Google Play Store.


This app’s signature feature is the ability to analyze how you normally breathe in order to suggest the best routine for you. It includes the option of a male or female voice to guide you through the exercises, as well as an array of sounds and images to choose from. There’s a vibration mode if you prefer a silent breathing guide. Breathing Zone is available on both iOS and Android.
Whichever app you choose, it’s best to maintain a regular schedule of deep breathing exercises to maintain that level of focus and clarity. In time, you may even be able to reverse your bad breathing habits. Being over-stressed is never a good thing, and can have a severe effect on your daily productivity. Fortunately, the solution is simple: Just take a deep breath.
 Source: http://productivitybytes.com/deep-breathing-apps/

12 Haziran 2017 Pazartesi

TaKeTINa: Human Intelligence Through Rhythm

TaKeTiNa is pure rhythm—four decades of music, a new kind of rhythm education and therapy, plus international research. As Taketina Founder Reinhard Flatischler said, it is a process.

And to me, it is a healing medicine combined with drums, rhythm, movement, dance, mantras, music, joy, fun, chaos, integrity, disintegrity and peace.   

TaKeTINa, TaKeTINa, Gam mala, Gam mala, Gam ma la, ta ki:)

Last week, I attended Taketina seminar for 3 days in Frankfurt and I must admit that it was much more than just a seminar, but a life experience. After even first session, I always wanted to move forward and found myself running for 30 minutes at the lunch break. By the way, I am not a runner, and I always had difficulties to run. But, there was no pain at all during and after. Furthermore, I felt a big freedom! We made a crazy workout at the end of the 2nd day of the seminar. With the group energy and drums, it was a fascinating experience to me. At the end, I felt a complete peace. I did attend the seminar with no expectations, and I found Taketina a remarkable experience and recommend it deeply. I will definitely do it again:) 

Thank you to Frankfurter Ring and its beautiful team and my dear friend Melissa N. Olcay for the great organization.    

TaKeTiNa was first developed in 1970 by Austrian musician and composer Reinhard Flatischler. Today, it is used throughout the world in university music departments, clinics, in therapeutic practices, in drama schools, in pain therapy, and in management. To see the history, please click here.

Flatischler is a member of the scientific committee of the International Society for Music in Medicine and, together with Dr. Gerhard H. H. Mueller-Schwefe, president of the German Pain Association (DGS) and co-director of the project, "Rhythm and Pain Therapy." Teaming up with leading physicians and scientists, Flatischler publishes research results about the effects of the TaKeTiNa rhythm process. 

                                     Rheinhard is not only a great educator and healer, 
                                      he is also a great musician and spiritual leader. 

Learning in music – learning for life

The TaKeTiNa process is not simply a method of learning music or rhythm; it always involves learning more about yourself and others as well. Everything that hinders our life shows up in this process as a rhythmic problem that can nevertheless be transformed by the learning process that unfolds in TaKeTiNa. This is why TaKeTiNa is also effective in different forms of therapy such as stress reduction, depression, psychotherapy practice and pain therapy. It is a scientifically proven technique! 

From the beginning, TaKeTiNa has been used in the therapeutic context because of its deep and positive psychological and physiological effects. Several hospitals and private clinics have adopted TaKeTiNa as part of their program for clients. There are also ongoing projects with the German Pain Association (DGS) and ProMente in Austria.

Rheinhard and his master teacher, beautiful Tania Bosak has made a remarkable performance for all participants. Eventhough Tania has not spoken much during the sessions, her smile and stillness helped everybody getting calmer and peaceful. 

You should also watch and listen the last masterpiece of Rheinhard: Waves.  

For more info, please visit the webpage of TaKeTINa